SWEDISH Things my Girlfriend Does!
– Welcome back to our channel in today’s video I’m gonna share six annoying things that my Swedish girlfriend does. And to be fair, I don’t know if all Swedish girlfriends do this, but this one certainly does. And you have no idea what I’m about to say.
– No idea what you are about to say. I’m excited, or should I be nervous?
– Probably more nervous I’d say. These things aren’t that big of a deal, they’re just little tiny annoying things that I had to respond to because you have already told me annoying things about your American boyfriend. So now is my chance to rebuttal and say annoying things about my Swedish girlfriend.
– So the first annoying thing that you do is call tortilla “taco bread”, and actually I think a lot of Swedes do this, it’s not just you.
– Because in Swedish it’s called “taco bröd”, and that translates to taco bread, so if you just do the translation in your head, it’s gonna be called “taco bread” in English.
– But it’s not bread, it’s called tortilla, it has a name. So why don’t you just call it what it was named?
– But it is a bread, it’s it is a sort of bread, I mean it’s a sort of something that you put in a burrito just like you put something on a sandwich, on a piece of bread.
– But bread is something that’s ground wheat that is baked, whereas the tortilla is usually fried and it’s made from corn, so in no way is it related to bread, which is why every time someone says grab some “taco bread” for tacos tonight, I cringe on the inside. Because it’s tortilla.
– But you could make it with flour as well. True. It doesn’t have to be with corn.
– That’s true, but it’s still tortilla.
– I mean you’re right, what do they call it in Mexico where it comes from? They call it tortilla.
– So the second annoying thing you do is start with your thumb when you’re counting 1 through 5. In the US you go one, two, three, “I want three tacos”, “I want one hot dog”. You say “I want one hot dog”
– No that’s not what I do. If I count to three, I do one, two, three. But if I want something, just one thing, I do one. If I want “three stuff”, then I do one two three.
[How’s the shooting start?
-Englishman gave himself away.
– How’d he do that?
– He ordered three glasses. We order three glasses, that’s the German three. ]
– So that’s strange to me, it should be one two three four five. But in Sweden, it’s one two yeah like three. I would never say three. Can I have three hot dogs, please? This is like an alien.
– This is also weird.
– No I mean three like beers, or three beers please?
– Nah, three beers.
– Three beers. Can I have four… two beers. I’m gonna start saying it like that then. Can I have four beers? One two three. That’s like the same thing basically.
– The third annoying thing that you do is write quotation marks with the six on either side of the quote.
– The six, what does that mean?
– Okay so we were taught in school growing up that you open a quotation with the sixes and that you close a quotation with the nines.
– What do you mean… six and nine, I don’t follow.
– Okay so I’m gonna show it on the screen here. So look at this quote. This is how you would normally write it in the U.S. You have a six opening it, two sixes, and you have two nines closing it that symbolizes the beginning of the quote the end of the quote. But in Sweden, they just use the sixes. The quotation mark at the beginning of the sentence and at the end of the sentence is the same symbol. But it should be an opening six symbol and a closing nine symbol.
– Well, there’s always two sides to the story.
– Fair.
– You start the quotation with the two *noise and you end the quotation with *noise.
– Okay. I don’t know. It’s just a weird Swedish thing.
– Well you guys can tell us how you do it in your country and we’ll see who wins!
– The fourth annoying thing that you do has to do with birthdays. So when someone asks you how old you are, you don’t give them the answer – you respond with the year that you were born. So if we’re traveling, people like “Oh, how old are you, guys?” and you respond “Oh, I was born in 1994”, and they’re like “That’s not what I asked you. I asked you how old you are, not what year you were born.
– You’re not saying that when you’re traveling. If you ask someone in Sweden when you’re born, you respond in 94. Meaning you’re born in 1994.
– But that’s so strange, why not just… When you’re talking about ages, why don’t you just say your age instead of the year you were born?
– But for example, right now I’m 25 years old, but I turn 26 in two months, so I’m 25 and 10 months, I’m closer to 26, so if someone were to ask me “Oh you’re 25. Does that mean you’re turning 26 before December or you’re about to turn 26?” Because I’m closer to 26 right now, because I’m only two months away from being 26, but I’m still 25.
– Yeah but telling them you were born 94, that’s pretty ambiguous, you never say like December or February 94.
– Well, I usually say “oh I’m 25, I’m born 1994”.
– Yeah it’s just I kind of can see maybe why the Swedes do it. It’s because once they learn your birthdate, they can always calculate how old you are. Whereas if you just give your age now, in three or four years from now, they’re thinking about how old you are, they , you know what I mean? Like I guess the birthyear is more concrete, but still, I find it very annoying. I just wish when I politely ask someone “oh how old are you?”, they would just respond with the answer and not with a riddle or some math problem I have to solve.
– The fifth annoying thing that you do, and again I love you, but I find this very annoying, is that you think everything is spicy. We go to a restaurant and you ask for no pepper cause you think the pepper is spicy. You don’t ask for coriander, because you think coriander is spicy. If we go to a Mexican restaurant, you stay away from the salsa and that makes the whole Mexican meal. And God forbid that you have a pepper or like anything with a little bit of spice. I think it’s so funny when you go out to lunch with a Swede and they eat something, “like oh this is spicy” and you don’t even feel a spice at all.
– I think it depends because I know a lot of Swedish people that love spicy food AND he’s exaggerating a little bit right now, because I do and I really like spicy food, but I comment “like oh this is spicy”, you know. And it burns in my mouth, but I still enjoy it, you know. You know what I mean? I mean I eat spicy food like we eat Mexican food, we eat Thai food that has weird sauces and stuff in it, but I comment ‘oh this is spicy’.
– I guess spiciness is a subjective thing, so obviously not everyone’s gonna have the same tolerance for spice, but I just feel in general that… alright… I don’t even… it doesn’t even bother me at all, because it’s their meal, but I think it’s just funny how you always hear comments like ‘ooh this is so spicy’. This a piece of corn with salt and pepper on. It is so spicy.
– I’ve never said that about corn!
– You never put pepper on your meals. Whenever I put pepper on the eggs and stuff you’re like “oh so much pepper is too spicy!”
– You mean chilli flakes?
– No, pepper.
– Like bell pepper?
– No, like round black pepper, round black pepper.
– Oh pepper! No, I do want some pepper, but I just want… I don’t want as much as you.
– The sixth and final annoying thing that Julia does, and this is the thing that many Swedes do, is that they say a week number instead of a date. So for example they’ll say ‘oh we’re going on vacation week 42 through week 43 and a half’, instead of being like ‘we’re going on vacation July 5th through July 10th’.
– You’re exaggerating.
– How am I exaggerating?
– Because I’ve never in 26 years heard some I’ll say 43 and a half.
– Okay, well they say we’re going on vacation week 42 and then part of week 43, when you could just clearly say… I don’t like the ambiguity of those things, I just like I’m going on vacation July 1st through July 5th, you can expect me back July 6. And then with weeks… it’s so hard to keep track of the weeks. Ok, think of it this way. Is it easier to break down an entire year into 12 months and then dates within that month? Or to remember 52 weeks and when those things are. If that makes sense?
– It makes sense and I don’t use weeks that often, I do use weeks when I have my vacation. So for example, my boss sends me an email “hey when do you want to have your vacation in the summer?” and I say “Oh week 28 to 31” or something.
– I just… What does that mean to me? That’s like okay is that March? Is that July? Week 21 – I have to calculate 21 divided by 4, that’s how many months.
– In Sweden you know that, like, you’re having your vacation in between like 20, week 25 and 35-ish, and I think that our parents and grandparents use it way more. I think us… young adults don’t use it as much as our parents do, but I don’t know.
– Well again, these things aren’t that big of a deal. They’re just little tiny annoying things that I had to respond to because you have already told me annoying things about your American boyfriend, so now is my chance to rebuttal and say annoying things about my Swedish girlfriend.